Doing my own stuff
モビーDさんガすごい!!!! - Mr.GoatBoat

Male Currently 16

Biggest hater

Still in it

Bikini Bottom

Joined on 4/24/21

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MobyG's News

Posted by MobyG - 2 days ago

The best and strongest uberkidiu_1366841_9076919.webp

Also happy Mario day sorry I couldn't get a art post out for it, just been busy

Posted by MobyG - 6 days ago

12AM on a school night I finally got the second issue out


iu_1365028_9076919.webpAnyways finna head to bed hope it does well

My supporter stuff also ran out today so I'll get that back when the third issue is almost complete


Posted by MobyG - 10 days ago


If I'm lucky the Mardigras break will be able to let me publish this in time

My school only gives us 2 days off instead of a week fml


Posted by MobyG - 2 weeks ago

Currently on Page 14 then I move on to 15 after that I can finally publish this comic hope it does well


and uhh yeah some of the pages are in color

This screenshot is old more progress has actually been made, each page

takes a week to finish when I'm in school


Posted by MobyG - 1 month ago

Why is she still a thing her music SUCKS!!!iu_1353776_9076919.webp


Posted by MobyG - 1 month ago



Posted by MobyG - February 5th, 2025

Ignore this, since I became a supporter I'm going to put extra filler nonsense in a unlisted playlists if people are curious on how SL's were originally drawn and started off as

Bumping Heads Part 1 Part 2

Commentary: When i first made these I just wanted the series to be episodic where anyone can pick up any issue where the plot is very simple and comedic (Something like SuperMarioLogan) Originally made in flashl

I luv U

Commentary: Just wanted to show love to the wii u since the servers got and still is shut down


Posted by MobyG - January 28th, 2025

I just reached 10/10 images on my comic project currentlyiu_1343624_9076919.webp

Since I want to make it like an actual comic and want to tell a story not limited to 10 pages I have to be a supporter. Also I want to hide some cringe comics and art I made without unpublishing them if people are curious enough to search for them in the future, but that was just a quick update when the 11th page gets done I'll fully be a supporter


Posted by MobyG - December 31st, 2024

My thoughts on 2024

Crazy to think that 2024 is over already, but ngl I'm glad that it is, since September through early December wasn't a very productive time for me since I didn't get a lot done those pasts months. Made a lot of stinkers along with "good" art, but I'm just glad that 60 different human being looked at my Newgrounds account and decided to follow me, its cool to think about.

My goal for 2025

I'm just going to focus on being consistent, my friends already know there goals and purpose and are taking action in doing so, so I'm gonna do the same thing, I'm 3 pages away from finishing my comic, and trying to get feed back from friends so I can publish a series I hope different people can enjoy or find entertaining. I just really want to be something you know. I'm going to be 16 in February 12 so I have to lock in early.

thxs for reading my short yap session and here are the people I hope make it big

@20PoorlyDrawnMario06 Cool ideas and concepts

@Beegyoshiking A beast when it comes to making comic, no fr check this guy out its entertaining as frick

@Finasty is good at drawing anatomy and I like how his colors bring his art to life

@TheExCrystal He doesn't use Newgrounds but check him out on twitter his pixel art goes hard

@MrGoatboat I always loved his style, its wholesome

@ZertyNG makes a lot of good music that you should give a listen also his art is good so that's a plus

@XLabProductions He makes good horror themed art, and by the time I'm typing this is making a comic so if ur into spooky stuff check him out

@co0lkid98 its in his name he's a cool kid, check him out

@Fyar Is on the Power Star team along with other talented dope people you should check out their craft

@SamMayBeInsane I always get surprised with how much animations he can put out, it sucks that I can't find da original account :(

@ToasterHeadNG Ur like one of the 1st cool guys I interacted with on NG, hope some of yo ideas get out there

RIP Ilovecats NG account

RIP NKRT NG account

@EmilyRose420 @Delighted-landfill @Flapfuckingjackz9

@FrancescoMennella @Tyhond @notarobot1126 @chillzozen

@TheFandomKid your all are cool people

My b for the @'s I didn't feel like copy and pasting a bunch of links, If I miss some people my b

remind me in dms or comments or wherever

That's all, hope it wasn't too long,

Anyway I'm going to go rage at sparking zero see ya next year



Posted by MobyG - December 29th, 2024


Testing out some stuff In flash